The Wall of Ice

We arranged for a taxi to drive us to the Perito Merino glacier. It meant we could come and go as we pleased and also pop into the Glaciarium Museum on way home. We got picked up at 815am – after luckily finding an open bakery for a pastry breakfast. These Argies don’t like rising easily or eating brekkie.  

It took us an hour to get to the glacier. It was incredible; the sheer scale of the wall of ice, the rifle shots coming from within the living  mass and every now and then, a roar as the ice broke off into the water. It was also breathtaking watching the rising sun highlight the blue of the ice. The 2 hours we spent walking around on the impressive walkways passed in a flash.  

On our return journey we stopped in at the highly rated Galcierium Museum. It was filled with glacial facts, the highlight of which was watching a movie on the colllapes of the ice bridge at the Perito Marino glacier. The glacier connects with the land every few years and creates a barrier between Lago Argentino. The water levels rises (27m in this case) on one side before the water pressure eeventually creates a passage through ice which then, over several days, causes the bridge to collapse. Amazing to watch the power of nature.

We then got on the lash (and cards and backgammon) before finishing off the night at a local bar. Before we go, a picture of a couple of Zorros .

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