Patagonia – hike Frances Sector

Not so an early start this am. We headed away at 9 for our 5 hour 13.5 hr hike to Doma Frances. Typically Deryn and I took the wrong track and ended up following the horse trail for the first 5km. Meant our 13.5 km hike turned into a 17.7km hike. 

We walked along the edge of the Norsdenkjold Lake most of the way with incredible views of Los Cuernos, the lake and some high altitude hanging glaciers. 

It took us a bit longer than expected due to our early misstep so we were glad to finally arrive at our domo at around 3.  The domes are basic but a plank of wood would be fine. 

One thought on “Patagonia – hike Frances Sector”

  1. What a picturesque place!! Just read your other posts guys – the two of you will never go home after this:)!!

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