Last tango in Buenos Aires

We were feeling a bit sad that our time in BA was coming to a close. We had a leisurely start to the day before heading off to buy Deryn some new walking boots – the current ones were causing a few hassle around her left ankle. Amazing how all shopping centres look the same!

We then got back on the subway and headed back to San Juan on the C line to make our way to Feria De San Telmo.  The primary purpose was to witness the famous tango in the market. We had decided against going to a show and dinner the night before figuring a 730pm start with a 1am finish was not worth the price. It was a lovely afternoon, exploring the cobbled streets filled with interesting stalls and activities.  We We got to see the famous tango which was a highlight after which we spent several hours playing cards and supping ales in a cool cafe chock full of knick knacks. 

By the time we got on the subway to return to our hotel we were both steaming. A great way to spend our last day in Buenos Aires!