Northern Colombia – the end of our South America adventure

I had a tough last night in Minca as I was hit by a nasty tummy bug. Deryn also started to feel a bit dodgy when we woke early for our 630am taxi to Santa Marta airport for our flight to San Andres Island.  We arrived at the airport at 715am to find the Viva Air counter not yet open for our 930am flight. More worrying was the fact that we could not find the flight on the departure board. We checked the tickets again – we had booked from Cartegena not Santa Marta!!  Luckily the Latam office was open so we managed to get a couple of tickets to San Andres via a 6 hour stop over in Bogoata.  Just what the doctor ordered when you’ve got a dodgy stomach. We let Roz know that she would be getting to the apartment before us. We tried to see if we could wrangle a refund from the now open Viva Air office but the girl behind the counter did not speak English so we flagged it. 

The time in Bogota airport was tough with no lounge available so it was iPad TV and reading with the odd dash to the loo for both of us. We finally arrived at our apartment – Tamarindo Centro VIP Apartment– in San Andres at around 730pm. 13 hours of fun.  Roz was there to meet us outside which was lovely. The apartment was right in the heart of the town at an incredibly busy intersection – the noise and heat were incredible.  

We grabbed a pizza and beer at a local pub before hitting the sack. Roz has arranged to go diving the next day while Deryn and I planned to try get over the bug.  Roz arrived home around 1pm with a lukewarm response to the diving. She felt snorkelling would be as good.  We headed off to see if we could find a boat to take us out to one of fhe islands on one of the next couple of days – to no avail.  We did meet a friendly local and Deryn arranged the hire one of the many Suzuki jeeps endemic to the island for the following day. We had a bit of a session that night teaching Roz the finer points of cribbage.  

We picked the Jeep up at 10am. 175k pesos for the day.  You pay for what you get.  It was basically an automatic with 1 forward and 1 reverse gear, had a top speed of 30 miles an hour (sounded like it was going to take off at that point), no review mirrors or seatbelts. However it did the trick and we spent the next 6 hours traversing around the whole island of San Andres.  We stopped at La Piscinita down on the west side of the island where for 5000p you could swim with and feed fish, dive off a diving board and also bomb down a water slide. It was fun but a bit busy although the water slide was a blast – Roz must have hit the water doing a 100km/h and was lucky to retain her togs.

We then drove to a beach a couple of kms down the road for some snoozing and sun bathing. Deryn and I were still struggling with our bug so we enjoyed the kip.  On the return leg down the east coast we headed inland to La Loma (a waste of time) and then stopped for some more kipping and sunbathing at the famous Rocky Kay – an island that you walk out to for cocktails.  We didn’t walk out there instead preferring to hang around the beach enjoying the recliners and shade.  It was a bit of a shame that the Colombians love of loud music made sleep a bit of a challenge.   We found somewhere nice for dinner (Peru Wok) and enjoyed a lovely seafood meal.

The next morning Roz and Deryn headed off snorkeling while I tried once again to sleep off the bug.  They enjoyed the snorkeling – there was only 4 of them and it was only a couple of hours so they didn’t suffer the usual ‘island challenge’ of hanging around for hours waiting. We played a few more hands of cards before sitting out on our deck enjoying a tropical downpour.  

Our trip the next morning to Cartagena was uneventful – once again Latam and South American airports being a pleasure. We checked into our lovely hotel – Hotel Casa Lola–  very swanky and just outside of the walls of the old city.  The air conditioning was the most pleasant part as it was hot and sweaty.  Our Kiwi mates from NY, Dave and Jane Fanning arrived 15 minutes after us so we all headed up to the rooftop pool to cool down, downed a few Pisco Sours and have some amazing burgers.  The tab of 435k pesos let us know that it wasn’t going to be a cheap weekend. We headed out at dusk to explore the very cool city of Cartagena, first wondering around the old town, before heading to a local restaurant for some amazing food.  The girls were all in bed by 11pm but Dave and I kicked on playing cribbage until the early hours. 

It was off to the San Felipe de Barajas (Castillo San Felipe Fortress).  The fort was built in the 1500s and was meant to repel all invaders trying to get their hands on Cartagena’s slave based riches.  It was impressive although again the heat made it a real challenge. Even deep in the bowels of the fort, the heat was oppressive.  We stopped for lunch at a local pub and to watch the All Blacks take on Argentina. Deryn, Jane and Roz left early to look around the town and headed home through El Centenario plaza where they got to see monkeys, sloths and iguanas that live in the park. Next was a couple of hours to chilling in our air conditioned rooms. We found a well rated ‘local’ cafe on Trip Advisor.  Not sure how it got the rating because while the food was OK it was overpriced and the restaurant was totally lacking atmosphere. We headed back to the hotel and got stuck into our duty free vodka while playing 10&1.  It was past midnight while playing Ralph that a hand appeared at a window above us furiously pointing to their watch.  We had no idea we were sitting outside a hotel room.  So we snuck back to the party room (room 22 – Dits and my room) and continued chatting until past 2am.

It was a slow start the next day with none of us rising much before 10am, in time to get breakfast. With the heat and humidity it was simply a matter of avoiding it during the heat of the day.  Jomo did a bit of research and found a decent restaurant in the old town so we headed out around 5.30, stopped at a roof top bar to try grab some Pisco Sours but had to do with majitos as they were on special and they did not serve Piscos.  The dinner was really good although we over ordered with a fair bit of seafood casserole remained uneaten.  Dave was keen to kick on but he was alone on that front so we were all in bed by 10.

Dave and Jane were on a 1pm flight back to New York so we said our sad farewells to them about 11am.  We and Roz then headed into town for some lunch before we again sadly left Roz around 2 lying by the pool (her flight was 730pm) and we grabbed a cab to take us to the bus terminal for our 5 hour bus trip to Monteria.  Deryn had been in contact with the bus company so we intended to head to their office but never made it as we were intercepted and convinced to jump into a minivan.  It seemed like a good idea as it was cheaper, we could leave sooner and seemed comfortable. After 30 minutes of waiting and a few more passengers joining to van, we were thinking we had made a mistake.  We left at 330 (instead of the 4pm planned bus departure). The trip was slow going with loads of road works resulting in periods of waiting for traffic to pass.  We were then bundled out of our minivan into another far more crowded van for the last 90 minutes of the journey.  We should have taken the bus!!

We had booked into a hotel  – Hotel Florida Sinú– close to the bus station in Monteria as we had to grab another van the next day.  The hotel looked pretty flash although on closer inspection it was like many of those second tier Chinese hotels.  The shower drain did not work and the air conditioning only had one setting – full bore!.  However the hotel did have an amazing burger joint across the road which did as good a chicken burger as we have had for a long time.  We were woken in the middle of the night by an incredible storm – thunder like we have never heard before. It really did sound like explosions. We were back at the station by 10 the next morning and after an hour of waiting for the right number of passengers we were on our way to Necoclí.  It took just over 3 hours.  Necocli was a bit of a run down coastal town although after exploring the back streets we did find a lovely little square and some decent(ish) restaurants – shame we had already eaten some dodgy empanadas while purchasing some supplies for our trip to the San Blas Islands. 

Our hotel – Hotel San Sebastián De Uraba– was a shocker. There was no blankets on the bed – I had to get up in the middle of night to go grab some from the front desk – plus the cafe next door blared music out until past midnight when I again went downstairs and asked the front desk guy to have a word.  Colombians have this thing about deafening music.  We were up early to grab our boat across to Capurgana – it was a 90 minute boat tide versus 1000km by car.  The boat was a large speed boat with 3 300HP engines.  Fully loaded there was about 30 of us on board and the boat did not mess around. The journey wasn’t too rough so Dits go to Capurgana without any serious sea sickness.  We then had to grab another boat to take us to Zapsurro and our tiny little hotel called Hilltop Zapsurro.  We didn’t get the name as there was not a hilltop in sight.  Zapsurro was a sleepy little town with very few backpackers.  We felt we were really integrating with local life.  We struggled to find a place to serve breakfast or dinner outside of the official eating hours. 

We spent a leisurely day exploring the village and catching up on sleep before getting an early night sleep.    Once again we were woken by an incredible storm around 2am – the thunder really is scary sounding. We now know it is wet season in Central America this time of year.  We grabbed a boat back over to Capurgana for our midday briefing from San Blas Tours. There are about 17 on the tour with a majority of women and a lot of them Irish.  Deryn and I are of course older than anyone by at least 25 years.  US$450 for 4 days of back to basic on these isolated islands with the local Kuna people. I can’t wait!