Laguna de los Tres

Today we did the Laguna de los Tres trek starting from the village of El Chalten to the lagoon lake below the triple granite peaks of Poincenot (3,002m), Fitz Roy (3,375m) and Mermoz (2,732m).

The majority of the trek was on easy paths with not too much climbing.  Both Deryn and I were wearing 4 layers of clothing as well as gloves and beanies for most of the trek.   The landscape varied from lovely shady beech forests to quite bleak alpine meadows.  We got some spectacular views of the three peaks on the way up but unfortunately never without some cloud.

The last 2km was a tough 450 climb up a very icy path.  It was also made more challenging through having to pass overly cautious trekkers on their way up and avoid sliding trekkers on their way down.  The lagoon was impressive but unfortunately we did not get the view of the peaks because of the cloud cover.  

It started snowing a but heavier on the way down which made for very picturesque landscape.  Much like the other treks, the cold water from the glacier rivers was incredibly refreshing. We were both tired by the end of the trek but 25.8km and over a 1,000m of climbing explains why.

We stopped and had dinner at a local restaurant called Padrilla La Oveja Negre – along the main road to the walk.   The food was incredible and so cheap.  My fresh trout pasta was perfect – an for only $A10.